Think you might be pregnant? Taking a pregnancy test is the first step to finding out.
Pregnancy tests work by detecting human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), a hormone produced by the placenta during pregnancy. After conception—when the sperm meets the egg—hCG levels begin to rise, signaling the body to stop menstruating and start preparing the uterus to support a developing embryo.
A positive pregnancy test result indicates that hCG has been detected in your body.
However, a negative result doesn’t always mean you’re not pregnant. It may simply mean you took the test too early, before hCG levels have risen enough to be detected. If you suspect you’re pregnant, consider testing again in a few days.
What’s The Best Time To Take A Pregnancy Test?
Most at-home pregnancy tests claim to be 99% accurate when taken on the first day of a missed period.
However, if you don’t track your menstrual cycle or know when to expect your period, it can be difficult to determine when you’ve missed one. In this case, you can estimate when your period is likely due and take the test at that time. If the result is negative but you still suspect you’re pregnant, test again in a week—this allows time for the hCG hormone to rise to detectable levels.
For the most accurate result, take the test in the morning when your first urine is the most concentrated.
What If I Receive A Positive Result?
If you’ve received a positive pregnancy test result, it’s normal to feel overwhelmed. Seeing those two lines can make it feel like the world has stopped. We understand, and we’re here to support you.
At 1st Way Life Center, we offer no-cost pregnancy testing appointments. Our tests are administered by a nurse, who will explain your results to you. If your test is positive, we’ll also offer a limited ultrasound. This simple scan will confirm your pregnancy and provide essential information to help you stay safe.
Contact us today, anytime of the day or night/24/7 to schedule your no-cost, confidential appointment.